TED NUGENT On 'Pride Month': 'Why Would Sexuality Be Some Source Of Pride?'

June 8, 2024

During the latest edition of "The Nightly Nuge", a news-style clip in which Ted Nugent offers his take on the news of our world, the outspoken conservative rocker was informed by co-host Keith Mark that eleven NFL (National Football League professional American football league) teams had reportedly not shared a Pride-specific message on social media in the first days of Pride Month. Taking place in June, Pride Month is a time when the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, their supporters, and allies come together to celebrate love, diversity, acceptance, and unashamed self-pride. Ted responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "Hallelujah. Boy, I knew I felt the love somewhere. But if you're gay, here's the bottom line. Nobody cares. We just wanna know, are you honest? Do you show up on time? Do you put your heart and soul into being the best that you can be? Can your family and friends and your fellow Americans, can we trust you? Nobody cares what your sexual proclivities might be behind closed doors. We hope you keep it behind closed doors. But bottom line is, why would sexuality be some source of pride unless you have a hidden agenda like the drag queens, where they literally twerk fat men's genitals to little boys and girls singing 'it won't lick itself'? You're proud of that? I don't think so."

The NFL has reportedly created a whole Pride Month apparel line, celebrating the LGBTQ community, love and the LGBTQ community's football fandom. This is on the heels of an NFL-sponsored LGBTQ Super Bowl party in Las Vegas. On social media, the league has also shared Pride-inspired messages from various NFL teams.

Last October, the National Football League announced its continued partnership with The Trevor Project, the leading suicide prevention and mental health organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. The NFL is continuing to work collaboratively with The Trevor Project on programming, training and more activations as a part of the league's ongoing effort to create a more diverse, equitable and inclusive organization and world.

Two years ago, Nugent defended Florida's controversial so-called "Don't Say Gay" law, saying that it was about giving parents "the right to guide and nurture and educate their children." The law, titled "Parental Rights In Education", was dubbed by critics the "Don't Say Gay" law because it sought to ban discussion of gender and sexuality issues with younger students.

A year ago, Nugent blasted the Los Angeles Dodgers for their decision to feature controversial anti-Catholic LGBTQ+ activist group of "queer and trans nuns" known as the Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence at a Pride Night event.

In April 2023, Nugent shared a tweet in which he denounced the existence of transgender people and told people they could "debate" him if they disagreed.

"There is no such thing as transgender. You cannot change your gender. Comfortably numb is actually uncomfortably dumb. Debate me but bring your bib," he wrote.

After Anheuser-Busch announced it was working with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney in April 2023, Nugent appeared on an episode of Newsmax's "Eric Bolling The Balance" to share his response, saying: "The beauty of my life is that I've never spent one red cent on alcohol. But I made sure that my entire crew and my family will never allow any Anheuser-Busch products anywhere near my world."

After bringing up a Pride-related campaign coming from Jack Daniel's as well, Nugent called out these campaigns for being "disrespectful" to the brands "core consumer demographic," apparently referring to conservatives. "How can they possibly have a meeting around the table and come to the conclusion that they're going to piss in the face of the people who pay their salaries?" he said. "This is the epitome of cultural deprivation in an ongoing tsunami of cultural deprivation."

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